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Level 2 Diploma…
Level 2 Diploma Course
This course requires some experience of working with metal clay. You will need to have done the level 1 Diploma course and have practised and worked with metal clay on your own to do this course.
Please get in touch if you are unsure and would like discuss it.
This is a 3 day course from 10am - 5pm each day.
During the course of the three days you will need to complete 4 projects to the required standard.
The four projects are:-
Balance ring
Glass lentil pendant
Colours of nature pendant/brooch
Copper and silver riveted pendant
To achieve your certificate you have to complete this course under the instruction of a certified Art Clay instructor holding a Higher Diploma. Each project will be demonstrated by your tutor with all the tips and techniques for you to be able to complete them. There will be samples of each project and finished pieces available for you to see.
Your tutor will give you guidance and instruction throughout the course. Your projects will be your work but your tutor can offer slight variations to the techniques in the notes, using their experience to help guide you.
All materials will be provided to complete the projects as well as the Art Clay World Level 2 Diploma fee
Once you have completed all 4 projects to the required standard, your tutor will submit the paperwork for you to receive your certificate. Once you have it you will be able to claim your 20% discount on your Art Clay products from official suppliers and you will be able to teach introductory classes.
You will then be able to apply to do the Higher Level Diploma which your tutor will advise you on when you can submit your pieces.
All tools and equipment required will be included. A general toolkit list will be provided if you want to bring your own tools.
The cost of this course is £700
This course is also available as part of an intensive course, by booking both levels at the same time.